What are the benefits of walking?

Benefits of walking daily 30 minutes

benefits of walking

The benfits of walking depends on different elements before you know about walking,how much walking is health,canyou lose fat by walking,what haapens if you walk everyday and what is a good distance to walk everyday and before you will find the answers of these questions you should know about these elements :

1.intensity : walking is normal thing and everyone walks some distance daily but the intensity of walking is low in comparison of runing ,swiming and any other exercise you do in gym . walking gives you many health benefits which are more than running but here is a thing thatr walking burns half the calories that you burns through running.

for example:
if you weight 70kgs and you rungs for one hour at a speed of 3 mph then you will burn around 257 calories.
if you weight 70kgs
and if you do running for 60 minutes at a speed of 5.2 mph then you will burn 655 calories.
that's why ? but you have spent same time for both then why the difference of calories burne are more than twice .
this is because of intensity of the work running does urn more calories because it requires more energy to run.

2.Duration : duration means to that how much time you have invested in running or walking in a day.
if you are giving more time to walking and running the mre you burns calories you can measure your calories burned on RUNNING CALCULATOR &WALKING CALCULATOR

3. Frequency : frequency as a term of physics this is very important in your fitness life because if you are not able to maintain frequency then you will decrease your noumber of benefits. Frequency refers to how many times in a week you are exercising there is also a principle called FITT.
F: Frequency : how often your exercise
I: Intensity : how hard you exercise
T: Time : for how much time you do exercise
T: Type : which types of exercise you do

After knowing all the 3 elements you are very close to your answer

what are the benefits of walking 

1. weight loss : 

benefits of walking

 yeah i know that everybody knows that walking can result in weight loss but most of you deoesn't know that how to implement walking for weight loss. ok lets start :

if you really want to lose weight by waling first of all you have to note these things on a paper 

A check your body fat percentage here

B after this calculate your BMR . BMR is the rate that how much calories you burns daily in daily working life.    

C decrease your desired body fat percentage from A= you have to lose how much % of body fat 

D check your calories burn a day by exercise and add this to your BMR 

E then calculate your calories intake and decrease it from D = your calories deficit 

F multiply your fat kgs weight by 7700,1kgs =7700 calories ,you will get numbers of calories you have to burn 

G divide F amount by E = you will get the number of days in which you will reach your desired weight.

note : if you want to lose wieght in less days you have to increase your workout 

For Example : 

A  let assume mine is 22%  = 8kgs
B  mine BMR is 1825 calories a day ( 24hours)
22% - 8% = 14%
D   700 by exercise +BMR 1825 = 2525
 2525 - 1500 calories intake = 1025 calories deficit is 1025 a day 
F   1kg = 7700 calories  8kgs = 61600 calories 
61600/1025 = 60 days 

2. Improves heart health :

benefits of walking

walking can reduce risks of heart disease by 40% if you walk daily for 30 minutes for 5 days or 3 to4 hours a week. how walking helps in strenghtning heart health ? when you do any of activity your heart starts to beat at higher than normal.

when you do walkimg your heart starts to pump blood at a high speed and blood starts to circulate at a high speed and beacuse of that speed of blood , blood returns to heart at higher speed and the nutrients present in your blood starts to repair all the muscles if some are suffering from any inability.

3. Reduces chronic diseases :

benefits of walking

A chronic disease is a disease that will lasts for more than 3months or 3 months and will get worse over the time if you don't recognize it. chronic disease is a type of disease which can not be cured by doctors and medications but you can only control them by exercise. chronic disease mostly occurs in older age peoples with 60+ age . 

Some common types of chronic diseases are follow :
cancer,heart disease, strokes,diabites,arthritis,Asthma,Crohn disease,Cystic fibrosis and COPD.

4.Increase lungs capacity :

benefits of walking

By walking you increase their endurance to do more work if you walk you heart rate will go up by this your muscle work hard . your body uses more oxygen ,then  on a normal day and produces more carbon dioxide.

 Due to this your breathing rate increases . daily brisk walk of an half hour increase the capacity of your lungs. after some days of brisk walk you will able to breath more easier way and your lungs stay active for long time.

but any type of physical activities does a good effect on your lungs because your heart rate increases. walking daily helps the patient of COPD and brisk walks is also beneficial for your lungs health. patient who stay active and do daily walking and exercise their chances of hospitalization due to lungs disease may become to 0-10%

5. Delays aging :

benefits of walking

Daily doing exercise makes you younger becaues when you do exercise you will sweat and swating removes toxis out of your body and walking can do your aging cells grow slower.

 if you do daily brisks walks for 30 minutes your body will automatically maintains your body weight and you will get a good skin quality if you exercise daily. walking will help you in reducing blod pressure. 

you can add more water and fruits in your diet to get glowing and healthy skin. water helps you in circulating good blood pressure. that will help you in reaching  every nutrients to your skin.

6. Lowers blood pressure :

Daily exercising makes your blood stronger . a stronger heart will pump blood at a good pressure with less the effort by your heart walls , Ten minutes of brisk walking for 3-4 in a days  will result in low blood pressure.

benefits of walking
walking will reduce blood pressure due to reduced blood vessel stiffness and your blood can flow more easily.

7. Reduces stroke level in women :

A stroke occurs in persons body when a bleeding or blocked artery interrupts  blood flow to the parts of human brain.

benefits of walking

a brisk walk for 30 minutes and a moderate walk for 40 minutes will reduces stroke level in women . beacuse after a brisk walk your blood pressure will reduce and this will help womens to reduces stroke level in blood.

you can add many things to your diet to reduce stroke levels in women , you should add pottasium and magnesium  rich foods in your diet such as: sweet potatoes,white potatoes,banana, prunes , tomaotoes , soyabean and melon.

don't smoke if you , stay active , keep your cholestrol level in a normal range will help you in lowering the risk of stroke.

8.Decreases diabetes risk :

benefits of walking

Diabetes is a problem that affects blood sugar level of a person. diabetes can not be cured but you can control it with your daily habits and a good life style by including green vegetables in your diet and fruits.

By walking daily for 30 minutes for 5 times in a week  to one hour helps peoples to reduced diabetes risk. if a diabetes patients walks daily they will get improved glucose control.

if you are a diabetes patient you should walk daily and remove all the excess body fat be in a good body shape , drink more water, follow a green diet wth low calories, doesn't eat fried food and fast food.

9.Improves mood: 

benefits of walking

A brisk walk of 30 minutes daily do boost your mood up or improves your mood quality walking boost the production stress busting endorphins  this will reduce the stress hormone and boost your mood up a study shows that a 10 minutes walk improves mood as equal to 45 minutes of exercise .

walking and other exercie like swimming,running,cycling and the exercise you do in the gym will make your mind to release body's natural happy drug - endorphins.

walking improves self-perception,sleep quality,mood ,self esteem and reduces anxiety,fatigue and stress levels in human body.

10. Lower sugar carvings:

benefits of walking
Sugar is carved by every people at any age after dinner every one wants to something sweet. walking will help obese people to temporarily reduce carvings for high calories sweet and donuts , you can eat fruits because the sugar in the fruits is good for your health but the sugar cube made sugar is very harmful for your body and if you consume high sugar then your body will start paining from any part.

if a fatty person do 15 minutes of walk or brisk walk that will make you to eat less sugar . many sugar carvings are stem from a blood sugar imbalance in human body at any time. when you eats something of high level sugar, then your blood sugar spikes and your body start to supply insulin to lower it to a normal level.

11. Improves varicose veins :
benefits of walking

A person who is suffering by varicose veins their muscle become enlarged,swollen and twisted.
varicose veins occured due to damaged or valves and  weak veins walls . varicose veins may form  whenever your blood pressure increase inside veins of a human body.

Varicose veins can be cured by exercising and avoind standing and sitting for long time but brisk walk is very helpful in varicose veins because it has more impact on your health from exercise.
 walking is helpful for varicose veins because walking is a very low impactexercise.

it strenghthens your calf muscles at least walk for 30 minutes a day and for 5 days in a week to see changes walking and running , leg lifts , bicycling, lunges ,rocking your feet are also helpful for varicose veins.

12. Boosts immunity :

benefits of walking

Walking helps your food that you have eaten to reach at small intestine at more speed than the normal that is why everybody says that you should walk for 20-30 minutes after eating something.

over time exercise help in boosting your digestive system. exercising increase blood flow to stomach and small intenstine.

13. Reduces dementia risk:
benefits of walking

Dementia is term for loss of language,loss of learning,problem solving and thinking abilities of a human. causes of dementia are two : alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. symtoms of dementi are: memory loss , solving problems, being confused about time or place,misplacing things, poor judgement and decision making.

how to prevent dementia : eat healthy food , do plenty of exercise,do not smoke , maintain a good healthy weight,Moderate exercise and walking help to prevent dementia. walking 1-2 kms daily everyday do improve the brain resitance to cognitive impairment and reduce memory loss over time and alzheimer's disease

How much walking is healthy?

it depends on your health and your level , if you are a adult with no problems and as a beginner you should walk 30 minutes daily or you can do brisk walk.

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